Human body bones adventure

Warming-up, Cooling-down, Technical instruction, Game, CLIL, Health and physical education
Great CLIL lesson! 
Great CLIL lesson! 

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The Language Learning TREK Adventure Packs help expose your students to academic language in a fun and active way!

The Bones pack is part of The Human Body set: a collection of vocabulary items curated to help students better understand their own bodies.

This pack is composed of three items that will help your students engaged in this Language Learning TREK Adventure: the Bones pack randomizer video, the Bones pack student assessment sheet, and the 14 printable Bones info cards. 

Here’s how the randomizer video activity works:

TRAP: Students trap a bone word by playing the randomizer video and pausing it on a random bone.

READ: Students carefully read the bone’s information while paying special attention to its spelling. 

EXERCISE: Students then exercise by spelling out the bone’s name. This is done by performing the exercise and number of repetitions assigned to each of the letters in the name. 

KNOW: Students can show that they know that bone by writing its name in the appropriate label on the assessment sheet!

The printable Bones info cards make it easy to take this activity offline by printing out the letter-sized cards and setting them up as stations in your gym! 

Find more information on Language Learning TREK Adventure Packs in this blo

Bones TREK Assessment Sheet.pdf

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Written by

Christel de Jong

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