thanks to the physicaleducator.com
These Premium QR Sport Skill Posters will help your students master two important volleyball skills: the forearm pass and overhead pass. (I've uploaded them one by one) Each poster showcases artwork and text that breaks the skill down into four main steps. There are also six QR codes per poster:
- One that links to a video of the skill being performed and broken down into its main steps.
- One that provides additional info and context on the skill and its use in game situations.
- Three codes that link to animated videos of practice activities of different degrees of complexity: beginner, moderate, and advanced.
- Finally, one code that links to a peer-assessment tool (PDF).
If you like the PDF, sent me an email at amazingpelessons@gmail.com
Due to copyrights I can not share this content over here. The picture will work too but PDF is always better....Geen zorgen, ik verkoop het niet, vraag er geen geld voor, wil het wel delen maar geen zin in een claim whatsoever.
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