Thankfulness cards:
Half of the class receives a card. Don't read it yet. Now the teacher gives a warming up assignment like : Everybody skipping. After some time the teacher says: Freeze and find someone. The students with the cards freeze and stand still. The students without a card have to find a person with a card and stand back to back with that person. Once everybody finds someone the teachers says: Turn around and look each other in the eyes. They have to look in each others eyes for at least 5 seconds. Then the person with the card reads out loud what is on his/her card. After that the student hands the card over and the student who received the card is the card owner now. The teacher calls out the next warming up exercise lik:e everybody hopping. After a while the teacher says: Freeze and find someone again! Now you have to go and find a different person than before. You can do this as long as it stays serious.
After this assignment sit down with the students and ask them the following question:
What did it feel like to receive. that card?
What did it feel like to give that card?
Was it hard to look each other in the eyes, and why is that?
Try to really make the students contribute positively, then this is a great exercise to make students think positive about themselves.

Thankfulness cards:
If you like this file in PDF (with many more cards) just sent an email to amazingpelessons.com
it is for free, so just let me know!
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