The Ideal PE lesson - outcome of my study in Canada
Warming-up, Cooling-down, Technical instruction, Game, CLIL, Health and physical education, Organising, Reference Book, Viewing Guide, Corona Lesson
During the PE lesson you often find your class in situations where they are very enthusiastic. They are laughing, having fun, really enjoying themselves. Take a relay as an example. <br>If you freeze the lesson at that very moment when they are having fun and shouting enthusiastic for each other, you make the students aware of the feeling they feel at that very moment: they will experience that positive feeling even more. They will be very aware of the happy feeling and the more often you do this, the more they will connect happy feelings to moving and doing exercises. It leads them to a pathway in their brain to connect moving and exercises to happy feelings. In a couple of months time, they might even get more intrinsic motivation for moving and exercising because their brain tells them this makes them feel happy! Just give it a try and find out if it works. It doesn't take a lot of effort just to make them aware of this!